EMR: The Journey Begins!! Part 1: Digital Xrays : Tooth Talk
By Dr. Gino

EMR: The Journey Begins!! Part 1: Digital Xrays

by Gino Pagano on 01/03/14

As the new year begins we begin the conversion to electronic medical records (EMR) at the office.  Step one:  digital radiography.  I thought I would share some advantages I've already found as we implement the new computer based, filmless system.  The first, and probably most significant is the reduction in radiation exposure for patients.  We switched film several years ago and were able to cut radiation in half.  By going digital, we have reduced that exposure by 2/3.  Which means the amount of radiation needed to take a routine bitewing radiograph is now 1/6 what it was when I began practicing!!  The second is instant feedback.  No more waiting five or ten minutes for films.  The x-ray is available instantly.  I imagine those minutes seem like hours if you're the one sitting in the chair with a toothache!  In addition, the image acquired is instantly available on the screen in front of the patient.  It can be viewed, magnified, and enhanced to help the patient see what I see...no more patients squinting at a view box trying to imagine what I'm seeing through my magnifying glasses . And finally... no more chemicals.  I am able to eliminate fixer, developer, and numerous other environmentally unfriendly products involved in the old film based process from the office all together. I am really looking forward to discovering many more advantages I have not even thought of yet.  Once we get comfortable with this aspect...its on to part 2:  the paper chart...stay tuned.

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PLEASE NOTE:  The opinions expressed in this blog are provided for informational purposes only.  They express the opinion of Dr. Pagano, but in no way replace a thorough exam, and diagnosis by a dental professional.